Advocating for Citizen-Driven Solutions in NYC and Beyond.

Clean Air Political Action Committee is currently in formation.

Citizens Air Complaint Program

Excessive idling from commercial vehicles (buses, trucks, and vans) is an unfortunate reality of life in New York City. The Department of Environmental Protection operates a program under which citizens can get paid for reporting environmental violations.

Media Coverage:

Mayor de Blasio and Billy Idol Announce Campaign to End Idling

Anti-idling initiative includes public awareness campaign, aims to increase citizen complaints, and expands enforcement at idling “priority zones.”


Idling in NYC has been prohibited since 1972! NYC has the longest ongoing air quality monitoring program of any US City. Check out the NYC Community Air Survey. Air quality has improved dramatically in NYC but there’s still work to do in neighborhoods like Southwest Queens, North Brooklyn, and the South Bronx.

$87.50 for 3 Minutes: Inside the Hot Market for Videos of Idling Trucks

A New York City clean-air program allows citizens to report idling commercial vehicles in exchange for a cut of the fines.